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The best festival (hopefully)

One of the greatest thanks I have for Past Penny, is that she bought tickets on a whim to Flow Festival once we found out we were moving to Finland. (Past Penny could have done a slightly better job a packing kitchen items to ship to Finland, but I will forgive her for this).

Because I have issues with crowds and dirt and loud noises, festivals are not usually my friends. But I am absolutely excited about Flow Festival. Of course there’s Iggy Pop. Now that’s pretty exciting. But I’m also pretty excited for the art line-up including a street artist, a cool-sounding installation and some sound-smell compositions. And I’ve signed up for the the Neighbour/hood talk stream. What is a talk stream? I’m not totally sure, but it sounds good.

Then, there’s the music line-up. Nick and I have not yet really scratched the music scene in Finland, so I’m hoping to catch a bunch of Finnish musicians that I probably never would have heard of otherwise.

All this, just walking distance from our apartment! Thank you Past Nick for so strategically finding an apartment that is walking distance from the music festival Past Penny bought tickets to.

Oh! The anticipation!

I wish I took this photo, but I nicked it from the Flow Festival site.

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