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Dear Finnish people, I'm sorry I ever doubted you

Dear Finnish people,

You warned me about winter and I didn’t listen.

Winter has been like a bad relationship. At first it seemed really lovely when it blanketed the city with magic (snow), but then it went grey on me when I was least expecting it, and stayed dark for a long time. I was about ready to give up on winter altogether, but then it made a half-hearted apology with a day of glorious sunshine, and I let winter back into my life. But it’s never been the same as when we first met. I want to leave winter, but I feel trapped. Most of all, I want things to go back to how they were in the beginning, when I first fell in love with winter.

Finns, you told me what it was like, but I didn’t believe you. I was seduced by that first blanket of snow. Instead of trusting you, I thought you were exaggerating. I was wrong, I see that now. I’m sorry Finns.



This is the winter I fell in love with

Birch trees in the snow are pretty magical

This glorious sunshine helped me forgive winter for melting the snow

This is the sort of grey treatment I don't enjoy

No snow, no ice, just grey

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